Shooting Clubs and Shooting Ranges
P.C. 1998-487 March 24, 1998
- “shooting club” means a non-profit organization whose activities include target practice or target shooting competitions using restricted firearms or prohibited handguns at an identified approved shooting range.
- “operator” means a person approved under subsection 29(1) of the Act to operate either a shooting club or a shooting range.
Participation of Officers, Members and their Guests
- 15. (1) The operator of an approved shooting club shall, on the request of a chief firearms officer, supply a written description of the participation, if any, of a current or past member or officer of the shooting club or his or her guest, in target practice or target shooting competitions within the previous five years, where subsection 67(2) of the Act applies to the member, officer or guest.
- (2) The operator of an approved shooting club shall, on the request of a current or past member or officer of the shooting club or his or her guest, supply to the requestor the description referred to in subsection (1) that concerns the requestor.
To comply with above Firearms Act
Remember: Record your membership number and date of use on cards provided and place in box.